Give Life to a Church, and then Devour a Church

Many of the churches in Saskatchewan are lacking in aesthetic beauty and theological precision. 

Ok, I will cut the vague chitchat. Many are outright ugly. 

However, there is a priest in Saskatoon (SK) who is doing something about it. His church was one of the worst. Weirdly shaped. Connected to a gym. Jesus hidden away in some closet. It had that Susan's touch, if you know what I mean. Yet this priest has been working towards a major overhaul of his church. Just yesterday he posted these on Facebook:

Yay! It's not a magnificent high altar, but it still is very wonderful to see.


Today on Facebook I saw another post, this time from Peter Kwasniewski. He was letting readers know that in the Philippines they are currently devouring their own churches.

Behold the destruction of a high altar:

A few people commented that Blessed James Alberione celebrated Mass at this high altar. 

Even the secular world recognizes historical sites and artifacts. But we in the Church are allowed to do this? And with what is sacred, no less? Meh... To the dumpster it all goes. Bring back 1969. Psychedelic, man.

Here is the new and "improved" plan:

I will simply end by giving a crude analogy.

Cats. A momma cat has kittens. Sometimes the momma cat, well, eats her kittens. The kittens could be stillborn, or possibly sick. Not always, however. Sometimes the momma cat is under stress and, though the kittens are healthy, she simply eats her own. I've seen it. I know I know. What a horrible analogy. I can't believe I just gave it.

And yet... there is truth to it. One priest gives new life to a church. Another priest begins devouring his own church. This has been the reality of Catholicism since the 1960s. We are in a constant state of devouring our own. We are sick and demented.

Kudos to the priest in Saskatoon.

As for the one in the Philippines? John 2:15 seems appropriate.


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