Waiting, Waiting, Waiting: An Update

Here's a brief update, as well as some flotsam and jetsam:

1) The "13th Man" Baby

Here in Saskatchewan there is a moment in our province's history we discuss only with hushed anger: The 13th Man. 

Of course the story is that the Saskatchewan Roughriders were all set to win the CFL Grey Cup Championship back in 2009. In fact, they won it! The Montreal Alouettes missed a game winning field goal at the end of the game. Roughrider players poured onto the field in jubilation. However, and I shake still as I write this, Saskatchewan was charged with a "too many men" penalty. That's right, there were 13 players on the field. Montreal got a second chance to kick the field goal. They made it, Saskatchewan lost, and the rest is history. Sad, sad history.

What of this event?

So last night it seemed we finally, FINALLY, were going to have our baby. I even called my dad and he made the 45 minute drive to our house, at 1am, to watch the kids while I drove my wife to the hospital. It was such a relief!

Oh wait, it was all called back. The labour stalled. Nothing happened, except a lost night's sleep. 

Sure, the baby will come eventually, but when you're going through a day with little to no sleep, nothing is consoling!

2) Biding Time

We bide our time here. I've even taken up canning as a means to pass the time. 42 jars of peaches done! Should I buy more peaches? Or take the kids fishing (again). We've gone 2x a day lately. Or go do more gardening? Well, we can't eat all the produce now.

Sigh, waiting is not fun. But it could be worse. I could be the actual person who is nine months pregnant! Yikes.

All garden (or fished) food

 3) Random Tidbits

- Random indeed. A few things of interest I've come across lately. One involves the demonic. It's been a hot topic lately, thanks to the black mass in Ottawa last weekend. Well, Dr. Taylor Marshall interviewed Faith Goldy, who was in Ottawa to protest this event, and she told some hair raising stories. Perhaps my favourite was when she was outside of the club where the black mass was held. Some Satanist came up to her and started shrieking in a possessed manner. Faith described it as a Gollum shrill. Well she started saying the Hail Mary, literally she only got as far as "Hail Mary", and the person ran away in terror.

- Also, check out Marshall's interview with Jesse Romero. It's just more proof that the Devil hates Latin.

- Speaking of Latin... We will be having our baby (if it ever comes out) baptized in the Old Rite! We're so excited! It'll be difficult to get to the city for it, but so what!

- I hate movies. I recently watched The Count of Monte Cristo. I'm not exactly up to date on movies, I know. Well here's why I'm not up to date: They're terrible. I love Dumas' classic novel. The movie, however, was such a disappointment. In the book we see the hopelessness in a life of revenge and no faith. The main character, Edmund Dantes, gets revenge, but loses happiness, the girl, and true peace. In the movie he gets everything, because that's Hollywood. Why? Well, because we are told that "God is everywhere... even in a kiss." Um. That's about it. I'll stick with watching football and reading books.

- Speaking of books, I'm on Dr. Taylor Marshall's last novel of his fictional trilogy on the early martyrs (particularly St. George). It's awesome. I've also been reading The Traditional Latin Mass Explained, by Dom Gueranger. Following these, I'll be tackling Anthony Esolen's Nostalgia, and maybe a Charles Dickens' work (A Tale of Two Cities perhaps?).

- My writing sure has dropped off recently. I'll blame summer. Maybe I'll write more in the fall. You know, new baby, less time, tired and cranky... sounds good. Until then, pray for a safe delivery of our child.


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