That Awful Summer We (All) Had

We decided, somewhat last minute, to take a quick one-night camping trip this weekend. I suppose there are a few reasons why:

1) The school year has already been off to a rough start. Gotta clear my head after just two weeks.

2) Our summer, by and large, was quite difficult. The newborn was colicky, and it made life unbearable at times.

3) When we did finally brave the world and go to the mountains for a crazy week of camping, it was glorious. It should've been a total train wreck. It was the opposite.

4) And now that we know our little guy loves the outdoors so much, we want to get out more in order to make up for the lackluster summer.

5) Oh, and it never hurts to be able to get in a traditional Latin Mass, and see some family/friends.

Check out the hiking/camping expedition here:

But I really want to "camp out" on point #2. I've heard it from several teachers I work with. And I heard it several times from family and friends this weekend. For far too many people that I know, this past summer sucked.

Everyone had different reasons why. Be it weather, finances, disasters, or name anything under the sun. It was tough on people. Covid-related insanity abated, yet personal struggles rose.


Coincidence? Exhaustion from the past 2.5 years? Spiritual attacks?

I don't know. But I don't anticipate the winter being any easier on us all. 

Maybe we'll need to get into winter camping too?


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