The Tempest's Sigh
There are moments in life when everything is an uphill, or rather mountainous, struggle. A tempest even. While no one I've ever met can claim to have suffered calamity to the extent that Job did, we all nevertheless find solace in the story of Job, knowing that God often permits hard times for our benefit. None of us can profess perfect innocence, but we all can be perfected through trial. The problem, of course, is being overwhelmed when the tempest strikes. To be perfectly sarcastic, I'm having a most wonderful time since the new school year started. Among other things, I decided to speak up more when needed. Be a leader and all. A phrase I admire is: Speak the truth in charity. So I've been trying it out for size. Apparently the truth in charity is not appreciated. It's as if I forgot to read the rest of the Gospels. You know, the part where Jesus is crucified for speaking truth in charity. Except Jesus is truth and charity. Jesus I am not, but I do have tempests