The Christmas Letter - 2024

“You’re going to use the same old Christmas letter template again, aren’t you?” These are dangerous words when they come from your wife. “What’s wrong with my Christmas letters?” I asked. I intended the sharpness of my voice to be felt. “Oh, nothing.” “Well, do you want to write the dumb letter this year?” “No! Look, it’s just…it’s fine. We don’t need to talk about it.” Being married for fourteen years, I know two things: 1) It’s not fine. 2) I was about to change my Christmas letter style. It’s not my fault Becca wants a different letter. It’s the fault of our friends. You see, each year, I imagine because we’re so popular, we receive a flurry of letters from families far and wide. The problem is these letters are entertaining. Too entertaining. These people out-write me—ME, the author of FIVE BOOKS, darn it!—as though I’m unworthy to unlatch the strap of their laptop case. They make me look bad; a real amateur hour. These friends. “Friends.” Jerks. I joke. Sort of. Either ...