
Showing posts from November, 2021

As the Catholic World Turns - A Soap Opera Update

  Missed what's going on with non-liberal Catholics these days? Let me fill you in. Mike from RTF and Michael Voris had a fallout. It has to do with the fundraising of a private investigator in the accused Fr. Jackson ordeal. However, Voris is still friendly with Timothy Gordon, thanks in large part to Timothy's brother working for Church Militant.  Church Militant/Voris is also still on good terms with Patrick Coffin. But Coffin reiterated last week that he's most definitely anti-Taylor Marshall. Marshall had tried to stay close to Voris, but things went sour after the SSPX thing blew up. Marshall, known for his public Easter Sunday fallout with Timothy Gordon, was also getting it from Mike from RTF a while back. I'm not sure how that's going. However, Mike from RTF is trying to break into the 1P5 crowd of late. Meanwhile, the former 1P5 chief, Steve Skojec, has taken a break from it all, after having had it out with almost everyone else, save maybe Timothy Gordon....

Give Life to a Church, and then Devour a Church

Many of the churches in Saskatchewan are lacking in aesthetic beauty and theological precision.  Ok, I will cut the vague chitchat.  Many are outright ugly.  However, there is a priest in Saskatoon (SK) who is doing something about it. His church was one of the worst. Weirdly shaped. Connected to a gym. Jesus hidden away in some closet. It had that Susan's touch, if you know what I mean. Yet this priest has been working towards a major overhaul of his church. Just yesterday he posted these on Facebook: Yay! It's not a magnificent high altar, but it still is very wonderful to see. However... Today on Facebook I saw another post, this time from Peter Kwasniewski. He was letting readers know that in the Philippines they are currently devouring their own churches. Behold the destruction of a high altar: A few people commented that Blessed James Alberione celebrated Mass at this high altar.  Even the secular world recognizes historical sites and artifacts. But we in the C...

A Priest's Struggle...

  Dr. Peter Kwasniewski posted a letter written by a parish priest recently. You'll find it interesting: When the Church allows itself to be the puppet of the State, good people suffer. More to the point, good people start to go crazy. I worry for this poor priest. He is stuck in an abusive relationship.

A Very Helpful (and Timely) Podcast Interview on Discernment

  I am sharing this because I know many readers are faced with pressing decisions requiring great discernment. I know my wife and I are at the moment. I am sharing an interview by Bonnie Landry with John Paul Meenan. Meenan is a professor at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College in Ontario (he used to teach me, way back in the day!). He goes through the steps of discerning major decisions in life (and lesser ones too), and the role reason, faith, and prayer play in it all. I highly recommend this interview for all people.  I found it very helpful. Click HERE . Note: The interview is also available on iTunes. Just search: Make Joy Normal.