The Hireling Priest

St. Theresa of Avila once said that “behind each priest, there is a demon fighting for his fall.” Indeed, the Catholic priesthood is at the forefront in the battle for souls, and thus priests are particularly scorned by demons. Undeniably, there are many ways for the Enemy to strike at the Catholic priesthood, and thus scatter the flock. Attacks on the priesthood come from the outside secular realm. For instance, physical assaults, like the knife attack on a priest recently at St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, are possible, if not increasingly probable. Non-violent, more conceptual, exterior attacks against the priesthood arise from a plethora of modes and maddened hostility; an example being a recent music video by Miley Cyrus with clerics ogling female exotic dancers. It is undeniable that the sickened outside secular “culture” has long targeted the priesthood. Attacks on the priesthood come from within the Church as well. An infiltration of the Catholic priesthood, as rec...