Book Review: Infiltration

Printed by Sophia Press Institute Dr. Taylor Marshall's latest novel, Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within, was released on May 31st, the traditional celebration of the Queenship of Mary. Due to high demand, my copy did not arrive until recently. The actual book is a quick read, thanks to Marshall's smooth and skillful writing. Infiltration examines the Catholic Church from the 1830s until present. Why the 1830s? In the 1830s there was an important Freemasonic document discovered called the Alta Vendita. Essentially, the Alta Vendita was a game plan, written by Freemasons, on how to infiltrate the Catholic Church. For instance, the Alta Vendita states: "Now then, in order to secure to us a Pope according to our own heart, it is necessary to fashion for that Pope a generation worthy of the kingdom of which we dream. Leave on one side old age and middle life, go to the youth, and, if possible, even to the children." And so, from th...